Performance Enhancers

Every horse, every dog, every person, every bird, every individual is different. You start with a core program that you decide on, and modify it according to the results you got from the core program and individual deficiencies in that particular horse.

A suggested Core Starter Program for racing horses would possibly be:

(A) Daily Supplements
“Performance One” (Atlernatively “BioEquine”) and “Ration Plus”

(B) For Pain killing And Improved Endurance,
Starting 3 days before the race,
Give the following every day for 3 days: 2
Traumeel us. ad vet injection,
Cactus Compositum injections,
ATP 30 X Liquid or ATP Injection,
Sportenine Liquid
Give all the above the night before the race.
Give all the above the morning of the race again.

(C) Additional Remedies To Be Added If You Identify These Problems:
If the horse is sluggish, give additional ATP
If the horse has breathing problems, give Breathe-X
If the horse is a bleeder, give additional Bleeder Mix
If the horse has weak circulation, give Cactus Compositum
If the horse tends to tie up, give additional Sportinine and Spasm Complex
If the horse has gate shyness (anticipation anxiety), give Gate Shy Complex and PS Calm
If the horse is generally nervous, give PS Calm
If the horse cannot focus during the race, give Coffea Cruda Chord.

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