
EQ 500


EQ 500 10ml Injection

EQ 500 , Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate Injection) improves the general state of debilitated horses, thus aiding in correcting weight losses and improving appetite


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Boldenone Undecylenate
Package: 10 ml vial (500 mg/ml)

EQ 500 10ml

EQ 500 from the manufacturer Dragon Pharma – is an anabolic steroid drug with a moderate androgenic effect. Initially, Boldenone Undecylenate (the active ingredient of the drug) was developed exclusively for use in veterinary medicine.

Equipoise goal was, while repeating the effects of Methandrostenolone, to provide a time of action over a longer time frame. But the result was a completely new anabolic steroid with different characteristics. ​Boldebolin 250mg/ml

EQ 500 Properties

The chemical similarity of the Methandrostenolone and Boldenone Undecylenate molecules is great, but the Boldenone molecule lacks the 17-alpha-methyl group.

Methane and Boldenone are about the same for gaining mass and increasing strength. Chemically, the substance is a testosterone molecule that has a double bond between the first and second carbon atoms.

Thanks to this modification, Boldenone (also known as Equipoise) has the same anabolic activity as Testosterone, with half the androgenic properties. Also, the steroid is often compared with Nandrolone, but it is incorrect to draw parallels between the two drugs with different mechanisms of action.

Equipoise Effects

Increase in red blood cell volume. It stimulates the body’s production of red blood cells, which in turn allows more oxygen to flow to the muscles.

Athletes who take Boldenone become more resilient.

The drug provides an increase in quality muscle mass without causing excessive water retention.

Increased appetite. Part of the muscle gain is produced due to the large amount of food consumed during an Equipoise course.

Increased sex drive.

The Undecylenate ester has been developed to provide a peak concentration of the active ingredient in the body for 15-25 days. It is the longest ester used for anabolic steroids. The Undecylenate ester is 1 atom longer than Decanoate.

How To Take EQ 500 Injection

The optimal dosage of the drug is considered 500-750mg of the substance weekly.

The Boldenone course lasts 8-10 weeks.

The steroid has been used successfully in combination with other drugs.

For gaining lean muscle Boldenone from Dragon Pharma is combined with Testosterone and Trenbolone. In this case, the duration of the cycle should not exceed 6 weeks.

It is also necessary to include antiestrogens in the course. Testosterone boosters are suitable as a post-cycle therapy (after about 2-3 weeks).

The correct sports nutrition, diet and rest will ensure the maximum effectiveness of the results. How should women take Equipoise?

The maximum safe dosage for female athletes is 100mg per week.

If you are a beginner athlete, and this is your first course of Androgenic Anabolic Steroids, then you should limit yourself to 50mg of the active ingredient.

EQ 500 Adverse reactions

Boldenone Undecylenate is considered a fairly safe drug.

It is two times less susceptible to aromatization than Testosterone (due to the presence of a double bond between 1 and 2 carbon atoms).

The estrogenic side effects of Equipoise are virtually non-existent, even when the weekly dosage is 1 gram.

The Boldenone course does not require the intake of antiestrogens.

Due to its sparing effect on the body, the steroid is often used by women.

Virilization phenomena are extremely rare, and therefore, among all injectable drugs, athletes trust this product most of all.

Reviews about Equipoise by Dragon Pharma

The drug has collected more than 98% of positive opinions. Reviews of Boldenone Undecylenate from Dragon Pharma speak about the absence of the rollback phenomenon at the end of the drug intake, about a significant increase in strength and power both during the course and at the end of it.

Feedback from professional athletes about Boldenone is most valuable. Leading athletes are talking about the importance of selection and adherence to recommended dosages. From their words, we can conclude that it is worth gradually increasing the amount of the steroid and starting taking it with minimal dosages.

Also, most athletes insist on the need to consult a sports doctor, or at least an athlete who has been using the drug for a long time. In the Equipoise injection section you can see products from other manufacturers.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Injectable Steroids. Acetazolamide Tablets


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