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 GastroGard (Omeprazole) Paste is used for treatment and prevention of recurrence of gastric ulcers in horses. GastroGard Paste is recommended for oral use in horses and foals 4 weeks of age and older. Each syringe contains 2.28 grams omeprazole. For treatment, administer once daily for 4 weeks, at the rate of one syringe per 1250 lbs. of body weight. For prevention of recurrence, continue with 1/2 syringe daily per 1250 lbs. for an additional 4 weeks. Omeprazole. 6 gm syringe.
GastroGard Oral Paste for Horses is used to treat equine stomach ulceration. It is supplied by syringe to be dosed directly into the horse’s mouth. The plunger is graduated and has a mechanism to deliver the correct dose according to the bodyweight of the horse. One dose is normally given every day for a month to treat the problem, then a further month at a quarter of the dose rate to prevent recurrence. Stomach ulceration in the horse is best monitored by gastroscopy.
GastroGard Oral Paste can be used in foals from 4 weeks of age. Sometimes the lower dose rate is used as a preventative in situations where ulceration has not yet occurred, but is judged to be a significant risk. Contains Omeprazole.GastroGard side effects are very uncommon. It is not recommended for use in pregnant mares and should be used with caution in horses on warfarin. (A lower dose of warfarin might be needed.)

Active Ingredient



1 ct, 7 ct, 14 ct, 28 ct


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